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Biliary Carcinoma
by Lauren Chattigre - December 18, 2009
Hi Steve. I have a 15yr old MN chihuhua patient with a long history (over a year) of elevated liver enzymes, who's main symptoms have been vomiting (sometimes with blood), nausea, lethargy, and decreased appetite. Recent US shows a mass in the gallbladder (thought to likely represent biliary carcinoma) and sludge. Tongue has a hint of orange/red color but otherwise normal. Pulses were difficult to appreciate (seemed very deep) but without other obvious abnormalities. Tender to palpation at BL18, 19, 24, 25; GB24; LR13, 14. I'm wondering about combining Ge Xia Zhu Yu Tang with Xiao Yao San. What do you think? Thanks!
by naturevet
December 19, 2009
Hi Lauren,

That combination should be fine. Xiao Chai Hu Tang plus GXZYT might be even more potent from an anti-cancer perspective and fits the points you've come up with. Good luck with this little guy. The only other consideration here is that orange-red tongue. That might suggest a lot of heat, which might make Yi Guan Jian a good choice as well. If fits BL 24, which is a Kidney Yin point, given that it cools while nourishing Liver and Kidney Yin. I've seen the formula work well for some cranial abdominal tumors, but would still use it alongside one of the other two, perhaps XCHT.

Those are my thoughts for now, anyway.

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