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by Lauren Chattigre - December 20, 2009
Hi you still use Hwato needles, or do you have a different preference? I had read that the bimetallic needles like the Hwato with stainless steel shaft and copper handle have a little more qi oomph, but they certainly can be hard to find on the floor :) What's your favorite?
by naturevet
December 21, 2009
Hi Lauren,

I use Seirin needles. Their main problem is they fall out easily, but that's not a problem for me because I tend to seek out the 'active points' that are radiating warmth relative to the surrounding tissue and which have an immediate impact on the pulse. Once the pulse has changed, if the needle falls out, it's not a problem, since that change in blood flow will persist, and it is the improved hemodynamics of the patient that I feel helps get them better quickly. With that immediate change in blood flow, I don't need to worry about their potency either, since I'm not imposing a prescription on the patient, but instead asking which points they would like needled. The end result is a treatment that is stronger and more enduring than any I could ever think up on my own.

by Lauren Chattigre
December 21, 2009
What guage(s) and length(s) do you use, and where do you buy them? Thanks!

Interesting about just using the active points and not point prescriptions. Is it always the points that feel warm, or also ones that offer other sensations (tender, swollen, hollow, etc)?
by naturevet
December 22, 2009
Hi Lauren,

There are often other sensations, some of which can be described (puffiness or bogginess, and rarely, sensitivity), and some that can't (your hand just feels drawn to the area, or it just feels right to cup that particular region or point in your hand). Lately I've been using infra-red imaging to help me literally see the active points. I'm going to lecture on that at the AHVMA conference in Louisville this fall.

Regarding sourcing Seirin needles, you can probably buy them from ITM. Dr. Mona Boudreaux also stocks them, I believe.

Have a nice Christmas,

by Lauren Chattigre
December 22, 2009
You too, thanks!
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