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Chronic Diarrhea In Young Cat
by amymatthews - December 26, 2009
Hello again, hope you had a good holiday!

I have a little one year old cat who was rescued at about 2 months of age. She was treated at that time with antibiotics for an URI and developed diarrhea. Fecals have been negative, empirical panacur has been given (SID 3 days), bloodwork and PLI/TLI wnl, abd US wnl. She is otherwise normal and is in good body condition with a good appetite (but not overweight). Her diarrhea seems to be somewhat high frequency (3-4x/day), but the odor is not too strong (compared with the other cat in the household, apparently!).

When I saw her 3 weeks ago, her tongue was swollen with scalloped edges and her pulse was slippery. After 3 weeks of Wei Ling Tang, her tongue has red, curled sides, and her pulse is rapid - the diarrhea is unchanged.

She does still have mild signs of URI - mild congestion audible when she is stressed. The owners have not tried L-Lysine. She is currently eating Evo canned + some California Natural kibble and Greenies (treats).

It's obvious now that she has some heat in her body, and perhaps the tonification of WLT has exacerbated that? Which seems a little odd, since the antibiotics have brought on the diarrhea (actually, not just once but thrice it has been a trigger for the diarrhea, in the early months, but after the last period of antibiotic use the diarrhea has not resolved. The 2nd episode was responsive to probiotics.) - though I'm told that antibiotics aren't all "cold" like I once thought they were. I'm wondering about San Ren Tang.

These owners are quite frustrated but willing to try for a little while...hopefully longer!

Thanks as always,
by naturevet
December 28, 2009
Hi Amy,

Nice logic. San Ren Tang is what I would try given what you've described. I agree with your entire assessment.

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