Question Details
Cat With Ataxia
by rmtran - December 29, 2009
Hi Steve,

I have a cat with progressive paraplasia.

Hx of aniscoria of unknown origin, darkening of pupil color on one side over time.

MRI unable to complete due to complication; the patient became cyanotic even with ET tube in place during anesthesia.

Appears to have voluntary elimination.

Pulse-sl. wiry

CP deficit, deep pain present. Motor function present but weak to support body.

Cannot pill or give any powder.

I am wondering if any homeopathic remedy available for this cat. Any suggestions?

Thank you,

by naturevet
December 30, 2009
Hi Rieko,

The most famous remedy for progressive paralysis is Conium maculatum 30C. If it's more one limb than the others, then homeopathic Plumbum can be helpful. I've had more luck with Plumbum 30C, but I'd get both. If one doesn't budge things within, say, a week, you could try the other.

by rmtran
May 5, 2010
Hi Steve,

This cat is getting slightly better with my acupuncture, along with chiropractic work provided by other vet.

The client tells me that she was not able to find above formula, so I am going to get them for her.

I found Conium camulatum. There are several Plumbum; which kind should I get?


by naturevet
May 7, 2010
Hi Rieko,

I use Plumbum metallicum 30C.

Glad you're seeing some improvements with your acupuncture. Way to go!

by rmtran
August 19, 2010
Hi Steve,

This patient has come a long way; he is now able to stand and make a couple of steps without support.

He is taking Plumbum metallicum and Conium Mculatum once or twice daily (the client has been giving them both), acupuncture every 2 weeks, chiropractic work every 2 weeks.

He now started to show signs of heat; his pulse is fast, wiry and strong (yet thin), and his tognue is reddish.

His ears and toes are warm.

Herbally, I think of Zhi Bai Di Hunag Wan, however, the client has a hard time medicationg the patient. He does not mind taking homeopathic formula, so I am wondering if you have recommendation for him.

I appreciate your help.

by naturevet
August 20, 2010
Hi Rieko,

You could always try potentizing a liquid extract of ZBDHW. It's usually well tolerated and easy to give. Here's the link for how to make it up:

If anisocoria is still present, then homeopathic Belladonna is a consideration as well.

by rmtran
September 26, 2010
Hi Steve,

Here is a good news!

This cat has been taking both homeopathic formulas Conium maculatum and Plumbum metallicum (the client decided to use both together) for the past 3 months along with bi-weekly acupuncture and chiropractic work, and he is now walking. The client really did not want to mess with current progress, so she decided not to use ZBDHW or any other homeopathic formula for now.

He walks by himself and uses stairs. The client has lost her husband for cancer and he was the one not to put this cat down just because it could not walk. This lady is very happy about this.

Thanks for all of the help.

by naturevet
September 27, 2010
Congratulations, Rieko, and thanks for the feedback! I'm sure your acupuncture is having a lot to do with the cat's improvements.

Continued good luck!

by rmtran
November 20, 2010
Hi Steve,

We tried to stretch the interval of this patient to every 4 weeks, but it did not work very well. He still walks, but the client notices weakness on his rear after 1-2 weeks from acupuncture. He dislikes chiro adjustment, but loves acupuncture per the client. He also was off of Plumbum metallicum and Conium Marculatum, so the client used other companies product to see if it helps, but no result. Do you have a good remedy for this boy? I do find he needs Qi tonic, but the client prefers homeopathic formula.


by naturevet
November 21, 2010
Hi Rieko,

Just go ahead and make a homeopathic dilution of the formula you think is most appropriate based on current signs, symptoms, pulse and tongue. Do you remember how to do that? I think if you search the term 'succuss' in the forum, you should find postings that give detailed instructions.

by rmtran
November 21, 2010
Yes, I remember your posting of how to make an dilution. I could convince the client that is what she need to give. Thanks!

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