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Bunnies And Chinese Herbs
by havibest - January 4, 2010
Hi Steve,

I have a client with a bunny who has had chronic nasal congestion.
She has had the bunny on multiple courses of antibiotics to no avail. There is no nasal or ocular discharge. I am thinking of trying some immune supportive supplements along with some herbs. I have had some luck with Cang Er Zi San in some shelter kitties I've treated but did not know if this is safe for bunnnies. Would you say that most of the herbs we can give to cats are safe for rabbits? Are there some dosage guide lines? Thanks for all your help. Suzanne
by naturevet
January 7, 2010
Hi Suzanne,

Most herbs are well tolerated in rabbits. When symptoms are mild to absent (compared to a rabbit with Pasteurellosis), then a good strategy may be to simply tonify Lung Qi and mildly expel Wind. Yu Ping Feng San is good for that, and contains ample Astragalus, a potent immune stimulant. Stop use if any significant discharge develops. Hopefully instead the problem will just abate over a week or so.

Good luck,

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