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Liver Cancer
by Lauren Chattigre - January 6, 2010
Hi Steve...happy new year!

I'm working with an 8yr MN black lab with liver cancer (most likely lymphoma) who has severe hepatomegaly, and has had bouts of diarrhea, decreased appetite, and ascites (currently doing well on CCNU). Tongue is pale lavender. R pulse normal; L pulse thin and a bit wiry. I've started him on Dang Gui Shao Yao San and Ge Xia Zhu Yu Tang (good?), and am wondering if I should have him on something more specific for damp to prevent recurrence of ascites, or something for the o to have on hand in case. What do you think? Thanks!
by naturevet
January 7, 2010
Hi Lauren,

I like your approach thus far. It's fairly vigorous, which is what you need to get control of the situation. Two other thoughts:
-Xiao Chai Hu Tang (Minor Bupleurum) - we speculate this formula will enable other anti-cancer formulas to work better, including especially Blood stasis formulas. So you could roll it in there. Its side benefit is the tonification of Qi, which may be reflected in an improved appetite.
-Xiao Yao San (Rambling Ease Powder) - harmonizes the Liver and Spleen - a gentler formula, so maybe not appropriate right away, but, again, will offer some added appetite support.

But see what happens with what you've started. Of the above two, I'd probably try the XCHT first.

Have a nice weekend,

by Lauren Chattigre
February 2, 2010
Hi's an update on this case and a question. Max is doing great. He's on CCNU, along with his TCM herbals and other supplements. Great energy. AbdUS shows reduction in size of liver cancer and no ascites. Tongue today was midly pale lavender; pulses a bit soft, slightly slippery and maybe a hint choppy.

Question: if he does develop ascites, which would be more appropriate - Wu Ling San, Wu Pi San, or Shi Pi Yin? I'd like to be prepared and am having trouble figuring out which would be best for him; they seem so similar. Thanks!
by naturevet
February 2, 2010
Hi Lauren,

I'm glad to hear the dog is doing well thus far. What did you settle on herbally? Is he still on DGSYS? Did you try XYS or XCHT?

DGSYS is quite effective at reducing ascites, and would actually be my first choice. Otherwise I'd probably try Wu Ling San for its consistent results.

Continued good luck,

by Lauren Chattigre
February 2, 2010
Sorry about not mentioning the herbs. Yes, he's on a combination of Dang Gui Shao Yao San and Ge Xia Zhu Yu Tang. Will the ze xie in the Wu Ling San be too cooling in a patient with no bladder heat signs? That's the reason I was thinking of Wu Pi San as it seems more neutral (though it seems geared more to skin edema). Thanks again!
by naturevet
February 4, 2010
Hi Lauren,

Ze Xie should not be excessively cooling. It's even used in warming formulas like Wei Ling Tang. It should be fine in a hot or cold animal.

Good luck,

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