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Cerebellar Hypoplasia Kitty
by landauvet - January 19, 2010
Hi Steve,
Ever treat a case of cerebellar hypoplasia? I am seeing a 3 month old DMSH who seems perfectly happy except for incoordination and weakness to the hind legs. Tongue and pulses ok. Not one for acupuncture. Started on XCHT and liver support (SP).

Not sure if there is a strong case for improvement on the horizon.

by naturevet
January 19, 2010
I'd see what happens with what you did. Consider a Kidney tonic as well, or as a plan B, since the brain represents marrow and Essence, which are the province of the Kidney. I'd think of something richer if the kitten is not Damp, like You Gui Wan or Zuo Gui Wan.

Good luck.

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