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Young Dog With Renal Disease
by steros - January 20, 2010
Hi Steve,

I have been seeing Luna, a 3 year old mixed dog, for the past two month with a history of renal disease.

Luna's housemate was diagnosed with Leptospirosis 1 1/2 years ago and soon after Luna was tested and found to have an increased BUN and creat. Lepto titers were borderline but it was determined they were not indicative of active disease.

Luna is slightly PU/PD, she is mildly incontinent, is noise sensitive and can be fear aggressive to larger dogs.

Her blood work in 4/09, 10/09 1/10 has shown an increased BUN and creat which has been slowly climbing. In 4/09 she had an increased cholesterol (stasis?) but it was normal on the 10/09 and 1/10 bloods.

Pulses are wiry, fast and thin and her tongue appeared pale pink on top and lavender on the bottom.

I treated her for two months using kidney points (BL23, GV4, KID3, KID6) and BL 18 and ST36.

I placed her on Ba Wei Di Huang Wan 1 month ago. When we rechecked bloods in 1/10 her BUN and creat were slightly elevated from 10/09.

I have had great success with BWDHW in my older kidney patients but it doesn't seem her values are heading in the right direction.

Should I place her on an herb to tonify Kidney Essence since she is young or are her increased kidney values the result of a stasis issue?

by naturevet
January 21, 2010
I think with a wiry pulse we should consider the possibility of stasis here. No need to stop the BWDHW. But I'd introduce some Xiao Chai Hu Tang, ideally with Qin Jiao added.

Hope that helps. Let us know how it goes.

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