Question Details
by Chase Farm - January 24, 2010
I ahve a 8 yr M/C kitty with history of chronic obstipation, which has responded well to acupuncture and herbs until recently. He currently is on Wu Yao Tang and weekly acupuncture. His colon contractilty is good but he is producing large hard stools that get stuck at the anal opening and cause him pain and then he will vomit.
He has a fire personality with some evidence Qi, Blood and yin deficiency, and Qi stagnation. Active points are ST25, Bl 23, 25, 26, SP6, ST36, CV4,5
I cannot acupunture anyhting but BL meridian because of his delightful personality.
I feel like I need a formula to cool his heart fire and improve my moisturizing ablilty. What am I missing? Thanks Jean
by naturevet
January 25, 2010
Hi Jean,

Long time no see/hear. Hope you're well. Naturally I miss you terribly!

Is this the obstipated cat you ask about at every single advanced course? If so, at least he's still alive....

If he has seemed to respond to Wu Yao Tang and has the delightful personality, then Liver involvement is implied. For the Liver to function well it needs adequate Yin and Blood, so your perception that they're involved makes sense. I'd roll in a more moistening Liver formula - Xiao Yao San, Rehmannia Six, Yi Guan Jia...take your pick - and see if he responds better. You can also just double up on the Dang Gui in the Wu Yao Tang, and see if you get better intestinal lubrication that way.

Hopefully that helps!

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