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Anemia With CRD
by steros - February 1, 2010
Hi Steve

I have a 17 year old DSH with a history of , Hyper T4, CRD and FSA for which she received RT and Carboplatin. Following the 3rd chemo tx, she began vomiting profusely and has since been anorexic (historically great appetite). Owner has been syringe feeding for 6 months but she is losing weight. She also developed a corneal ulcer in her left eye.

One major concern is the anemia we are seeing. Not responsive to Darbepoetin.

She is still seeking warmth according to the owner.

Her pulses feel thin, fast and deep. Tongue appears pale and is slightly lavender and dry.

My initial instinct was to put her on LWDHW due to her KID and LIV Yin def but she is seeking warmth (SP Qi deficiency?) so I was wondering if you would start her on BWDHW because of that or recommend something else in conjunction with the LWDHW (LJZT?).

I also wanted to see what you might add to the formula to help with her anemia (Dang Gui?)

Thanks for your help
by naturevet
February 2, 2010
Hi Steve,

Tough case as usual, I see. The tongue, deep pulse and azotemia, along with the chilliness and debilitation suggest Rehmannia Eight is worth a try.

I had a similar case not too long ago in a dog treated for TCC. What really help that vomiting, chilly, depressed, anorexic dog was homeopathic Arsenicum album 30C given up to three times daily. The response is usually rapid, so you wouldn't need to persist with it if there was no response after, say, three days.

That's where I'd start. You're going to need to follow up in a week or two, as the picture may change as the animal gains ground and its "Qi" is fortified.

Good luck, and all the best,

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