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Cough In American Eskimo (dog, Silly)
by landauvet - February 2, 2010
Hi Steve,
I have been seeing an ancient American Eskimo dog who has been blind for a long time. He had a mucussy cough that seemed to respond to ZBDHW for a while (6 months), but not anymore. The cough seems to be worst after laying around and once starting to move. The dog has a lot of lumpy fat deposits and driks a lot. BUN and CR were fine. I have not examined this dog for a long while and have been consulting over the phone, but when I last saw him he has thin pulses with a red and purple swollen tongue.
His ALT levels have been elevated at 255 in 2008.
I want to recommend something for the cough and am considering xfzyt.
What do yo think?

by naturevet
February 2, 2010
Hi Kevin,

Perhaps the American Eskimo should move South, and the cough would disappear. This would be particularly beneficial if the cough is due to fumes from drilling along the north shore.

Herbally speaking, the pattern sounds a lot like the animal has too much mucous, such that when it moves, the mucous does, too, stimulating a cough reflex. So offhand, despite the response to ZBDHW, I'd wonder about something drying like San Ren Tang to start with. Another option would be for Mona to mix you up a batch of Sang Ju Yin, a decent Heat and Phlegm formula.

My two thoughts, anyway.

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