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Cat With Tcc
by ahdvm - February 3, 2010
Hi Steve,
One of my colleagues has a 14 year old male castrated cat diagnosed with bladder tcc. Free T4 results are pending but he may also be hyperthyroid.

Over the past few months he has lost quite a bit of weight and his personality has changed to being more needy and loving. He also seeks warmth.

On physical exam he had a very moist tongue and had marks on it from the teeth, it was slightly lavender with no coating.
His pulse was more forceful deep and was slippery.

So I'm thinking he has yang deficiency as well as (spleen?)Qi stagnation...does that sound about right?

My plan was to get him started on some antioxidants and I thinking about Liu Wei Di Huang Wan and Hoxsey-like formula...your thoughts would be greatly appreciated!
by naturevet
February 5, 2010
Hi Arielle,

If the hyperthyroidism is early, the cat may still be in the 'Damp' or early stages of it. A Damp formula would also possibly help the TCC, since I'm guessing the main symptoms have been typical of cystitis, which Chinese medicine often views as a Damp condition.

The pulse and tongue are very typical of San Ren Tang, which is an anti-Damp formula. From a western perspective, it has Coix in it, which is the most commonly used single herb for cancer in China. It also is anti-inflammatory to both the bladder and GI. It's my pet theory that in cats, as in humans, hyperthyroidism is linked to general tendencies to inflammation; a diet that promotes insulin resistance; and some degree of inflammatory change within the bowel. If the cat has had any history of chronic vomiting, etc. that would fit nicely, but even if not, I'd start wtih SRT anyway, given how it is a good fit from the Chinese medical perspective.

SRT may not be the only thing you try, but a clinical improvement, even if only by 30 or 40 percent, would confirm we are on the right track. A subsequent evaluation would tell you what the next best thing is to add. I'm guessing it would be a Blood mover.

Hope that helps. Please keep us posted.

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