Case Details
Momo by pindvm


  • Species: dog

Disease Notes

  • Certainty: confirmed
  • Final Status: better as of day 16 of treatment

Treatment and Outcome

Day 16

Notes:  Momo started the Tian Ma Gou Ting Yin about 5 days ago after recovering from scavenging chicken bones out of the trash. She us to scavenge when she was younger so owners saw it as a good sign. Bone eating lead to hard rocky stools for 4 days. She is sleeping better and better able to settle on the Tian Ma Gou Ting yin. She seemed more conscious today, less frantic. Still opinionated and resisted restraint but did stand and lick peanut putter while needling. Pulses deep, tight and fast. Tongue dusky dark red. ( we were outside and weather was warm). We will continue the The TMGTY and Xiao Yao San. Decreasing BHK to half dose for two weeks then stopping.

Acupuncture points were stimulated

Manipulation or massage was performed