Case Details
Daisy by Kiwivet
Mast Cell Tumor


  • Species: dog

Disease Notes

  • Certainty: confirmed
  • Final Status: Deceased from this disease on day 154

Treatment and Outcome

Day 33

Notes:  The MCT along the incision line is gone. The mct behind the right ear is now a tiny (1/8 inch)
firm nodule. BUT now there is a 3X2 inch, oval, smooth firm mass in the region of the left suprascapular LN and another 1/2 inch firm mass deep to this one. Client declines fna/cytology and will not pursue further sx nor chemo. Decreased XFZUT to 3 teaspoons BID and will monitor.

Day 37

Notes:  There is 3 X 2 inch firm, smooth, oval mass in the area of the left suprascapular LN area. Can feel a smaller mass 3/4 inch just deep to this one. The mass on the incision line of sx in August is gone.
and the mct behind the ear is all but gone. Tiny (1/8 inch) sq bump in this area now.

Discussed FNA and cytology to see if this new mass is MCT, LN or other.

Client says not at this time. She will not pursue chemotherapy nor any further surgeries for Daisy.

Since the MCT (known) growths have all but disappeared, will reduce the Herbal med to 1 tablespoon BID for maintenance dose (as long as client wishes to continue this.)

Comfort care only from now on.

Day 108

Notes:  L Shoulder-goose egg size tumor,grapefruit size tumor,skin - overlying these tumors is thickened (oval egg size) - cytology - all MCT
R Shoulder- baseball size (lipoma)
Behind the R ear- pea size MCT

The following lab work has been ordered for Daisy. In most cases, results will be available within 48hours.
Fine Needle Aspirate

Location L shoulder Findings MCT
Location R shoulder Findings Lipoma

Day 154

Notes:  Tumors became huge and multiplied all over her body. QOL is diminished.
Humane euthanasia. Client stopped the herbal Mid-January 2015.

Diet is largely canned or kibble