Case Details
Aidan by equinesportsmed


  • Age: 4 years
  • Sex: male neutered
  • Breed: Australian Shepherd
  • Species: dog

Disease Notes

  • Certainty: confirmed
  • Final Status: resolved as of day 371 of treatment

Treatment and Outcome

Problem Notes
  • OCD Behaviors: Fly-biting, humping, oral fixations, hair pulling

Day 0

Notes:  BAR, friendly, good coat. History of presumed flea sensitivity when 18 months old-- pulled out all hair, scratched incessantly. Steroids and Frontline seemed to mostly resolve it, Owners did dietary consult for both scratching and loose stools-- started home made diet with fresh veg, grains (rice and lentils), beef canned dog food and some fresh beef or salmon. Had one seizure late afternoon 10/6, tonic-clonic, urinated, salivated, but no prodromal or post-ictal behaviors noted. On 11/16 sz early afternoon, 11/17 same. Same signs as one in October. Recommended changing principle components of diet: beef, rice and lentils. (found out later that lentils were kept in the formula)

Day 27

Notes:  Aidan had an "almost" seizure on 12/12-- owner was able to "call him back". Time was mid-afternoon. He had a full seizure on 12/16 at 9:45 PM. I have suggested putting him on Gastrodia/Uncaria combo from Natural Path, as per Dr. Marsden's seminar, as he fits all the signs for Yin Deficiency seizures. Owners agreed to try, herbs are on order. His other behaviors are unchanged, owners are managing by keeping him active and busy.

Day 39

Notes:  Aidan had a seizure at 4 AM, not observed by owners, but seemed similar to others in aftermath: urinated on couch, was restless afterwards. This is less than 2 weeks from last seizure. He just started the Gastrodia/Uncaria combo that evening. Dr. Dayon is going to repertorize for him today.

Day 52

Notes:  Aidan's pattern changed in mid December-- he now has more frequent seizures and mostly at night. I added Wu Mei Wan and Qing Tang Ying to his regimen, continuing with the Gastrodia for it's anti convulsive properties.

Day 130

Notes:  Had seizure on 3/12. Started Zonisamide @ 125 mg BID, Changed herbal formulas to Chai Hu blah blah blah and Long dan xie gan tang as pattern more like Shao Yang disharmony. Dog was a little spacy on 125 mg Z-- maybe not a bad thing for this particular dog.

Day 179

Notes:  He was dozy on 125 mg Zonisamide, so reduced to 100 mg BID. When they ran out of herbs, he became more restless at night, so back on herbs now. No reported seizures.

Day 371

Notes:  Last check-in from client was early in fall. Aidan had a massive seizure in July, when (again!!) they let herbs run out and did not replace. They put him back on herbs and I raised the Zonisamide dose back to 125 mg.