Case Details
OMalley by DWT
Inflammatory Bowel Disase


  • Species: dog

Disease Notes

  • Certainty: confirmed
  • Final Status: slightly better as of day 585 of treatment

Treatment and Outcome

Day 585

Notes:  It has been a few months since I have seen this dog as he has been treated by an acupuncturist in her town until now. His current status: He has been dx with IBD (via biopsy), seasonal and food allergies (by dermatologist). He is currently on budesonide daily (if he does not get it, he gets runny diarrhea with mucous and occasional blood), he is on daily sublingual antigen, Tylan bid, Proin bid (tried Restore Restraint but did not work), Zyrtec for itching, Three Seeds for six months for damp heat in middle and lower xiao, Cerenia daily for nausea, Mylam for gas, all except for the Chinese herbs by the internal medicine specialist and dermatologist. He is obese, dry hair coat, lethargic, anorexia, bloats easily with belching and abdominal pain, smacks his lips, and swallows constantly, normal water intake, and prefers cool. Tongue is pale-pink, thin and minimum clear coat. Pulse- deep, easily compressed. He was on a raw, wholesome diet until regular vet put him back on prescription kibble. Any thoughts about herbal formulas would certainly be appreciated. Dennis T.

Diet is largely raw

Acupuncture points were stimulated