Case Details
Gus Gus by Dreudog
Inflammatory Bowel Disease


  • Species: dog

Disease Notes

  • Certainty: confirmed
  • Final Status: slightly better as of day 730

Treatment and Outcome

Day 365

Notes:  Hello Steve and group,

This dog lives distantly, and owner has a new baby, so have not seen in person for several months. But Gus Gus has been pretty stable all summer, IBD- wise. He is still taking BZYQT 2.5 tabs BID (72 lb dog), enzymes and Budesonide 1 mg SID. He has FINALLy been switched over to cooked raw, and is tolerating well. However, just recently he has had a couple of episodes that look like heartburn; waking up during the night pacing, drooling, tail down. Deep winter is typically his worst season, but as he is not symptom- free on the BZYQT, and is still taking the Budesonide, I wondered about possible herb changes now. He has done his best on the BZYQT. So his response to the BZYQT and worst season fits jue yin excess, yes?

We tried Wu Mei Wan w/ him previously, and his nausea ^.


Thank you,


Day 720

Notes:  Recheck next week

Diet is largely canned or kibble

Day 730

Notes: None submitted

Diet is largely canned or kibble