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Hip Dysplasia In A Dog
by LJH - September 29, 2014    View Case Report
Hi Steve,
I'm seeing a 5 yr M(N) Pit x rescue dog from Mexico. He had a RF leg amputation following HBC before owner got him and since has had 2 episodes of severe hind end pain /weakness. Pain on palpation L6-7. Responded to metacam and cage rest. Didn't do as well with Rimadyl .Both episodes in May/June. Currently doing quite well on metacam but with gait LF elbow abducted, foot twisted medially and medial toes splayed.
X rays done after last episode show severe hip dysplasia with lumbar spondylosis. He is fence aggressive with dogs he doesn't know, but social otherwise, and though he is very outgoing, friendly with people in a "bowl you over" way, owner thinks he is more intense since he's been on the metacam. Has had one histiocytoma that resolved and a couple of episodes in summer of pruritus, mild erythema with small areas of hyperpigmentation . He will lay in the sun for hours. Dislikes cold. Good appetite, doesn't drink a lot. Energy is very high but only in short bursts, then he is wiped out. Pulse is a bit weak for his size, moderate depth and a bit thin, slightly wiry. Tongue is slightly pale pink with a lavender tinge and very thin white coat. Very sensitive to start at BL-18, GB29,30 BL-28. I've acupunctured him a couple of times, but have seen little change in mobility except sensitive points much less tender on palpation. Pulse improved needling BL-18, GB 30 and GB-34.Was very restless both nights after acupuncture. I don't see any Damp issues with him, more Blood deficiency/stasis with the hips likely indicating Ki Jing def I wondered if something like Xiao Chai Hu Tang with Si Wu Tang would be helpful, (or even Du Huo Ji Sheng Tang though he isn't the typical older feeble dog) to maybe enable owner to reduce or eliminate the metacam. Any issues with using the herbs with metacam otherwise? Any thoughts or suggestions you might have would be appreciated. Thanks, Llewanda
by naturevet
October 6, 2014
Hi Llewanda,

Using Xiao Chai Hu Tang with Si Wu Tang is an interesting idea. You could also add in about 15 g of Qin Jiao to further target pain associated with the GB channel.

Any sign of muscle spasm here? The worsening of the skin and the attacks of lameness in May and June may indicate a primary Blood deficiency. Both Blood deficiency and Dampness worsen in May and June, Blood because the patient is vulnerable to Blood being scattered as its circulation mobilizes in the Heat. Pain from Blood deficiency is usually due to spasm.

If spasms are present, Bu Gan Tang is an option for this case, and would explain why NSAIDs don't work terribly well, since they have only limited efficacy in spasticity. Spasticity is common when you have problems with the S-I joint, which is centered at BL 28 and extends to GB 30 and GB 34. So keep this idea is mind of XCHT plus SWT doesn't work

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